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Review: Beet Fields (Gary Paulsen) (original post 9/14/09)

It's confession time. I have never read a Gary Paulsen book before. Not even Hatchett, which I recommend to students all the time. So, this past week I set out to read Beet Fields, Paulsen's autobiography of his sixteenth summer. What a great read! I like his easy style, his descriptions of events and people, and his story-telling skills. And, what a story! I don't want to give away too much, but Paulsen had quite a sixteenth summer; no wonder he has great novels to write. Drunk parents, a summer working as stoop labor, a carny, and a farm hand. I'd like to read about his later experiences in the military as well. He has so many books for one to read.... My only complaint is that I can't find a Gary Paulsen website done by the author.
Genre: Non-Fiction/Biography
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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